By admin, 26 March, 2024
I am excited by the idea of creating and restoring wetlands areas. Making previously inaccessible river frontage usable is wonderful.
By admin, 26 March, 2024
It would be great to understand what type of commercial retail you are targeting in new and revamped areas. Market style food and bookshops would be a great addition.
By admin, 26 March, 2024
Would love to see a market style, traders shed, some dining hall in this area, would be a draw card potentially and improve foot traffic for local business also.
By admin, 26 March, 2024
This is such a neglected and poorly used area at the moment and the visualisations look like it will really invigorate local and tourist visitation and usage as well as improve the river ecology and provide more green spaces.
By admin, 26 March, 2024
This is an important cycling corridor and simply widening the path without explicit cycling lanes would only mean pedestrians walk in wider areas.
By admin, 26 March, 2024
Consider rise in sea level and how this will impact all activity and built infrastructure along the river and beyond. Is there more that can be done in this wonderful plan to mitigate inundation due to future rise in sea level?